
Inspirational articles to encourage you and strengthen your leadership.

7 Ways to Be a Great Children’s Ministry Leader
This article was written by the Ministry Spark Team from David C. Cook. It is a paid partnership. There is so much that goes into children’s ministry. You work tirelessly week after week, pouring yourself into relationships, lessons, and events that help children, and their…
Begin With the End: Sharing Jesus in Kids’ Faith Formation
This article was written by The Wonder Ink Team with David C Cook. It is a paid promotion. Back in the day when maps were printed on paper, the route of a summer road trip would be marked with a highlighter or traced with a…
Why Should I Read the Bible With My Kids
“If the reading seems laborious and the stories seem to have so many adult themes, why should I read the Bible with my kids?” “Is it even appropriate to read the Bible with them?” “Can we just read the happy stories from the children’s story…
What Do You Want from Me, God?
This article was written by Chad McDaniel, Sr. School Advisor for World Vision. It is a paid promotion. What do you want from me, God? I asked this question as I sought to move the churches I served beyond arguments around music styles, the placement…
God’s Plan, God’s Timing
A few weeks ago, I shared a few thoughts with you from the events recorded in John chapter 11 about the healing of Lazarus. I would like to offer a few more insights from that story that I believe are relevant for you and me…
Why Should a Children’s Ministry Leader Consider the Engage Family Ministry Certificate?
Many thousands of leaders love Children’s Pastors Conference and have been coming for years (if not decades)! Every year, we also have hundreds of leaders come for their very first time. They’re all coming because they serve in children’s ministry. But did you know at…
Creating a Culture of Belonging
What does it mean to belong? In our culture today, we “belong” to a lot of things. But what does it mean to know you belong? That goes a little deeper. Knowing deep down you belong is more than a name on a roster or…
Let God Deal With Everything Else
When you hear the phrase “let it go” you almost instantly think of the hit song from Disney’s animated film “Frozen”. But while reading in the book of John this week, the phrase “let it go” served as a great reminder. We pick up the…
What Is the Value of Midweek Programming?
Midweek programs for kids are being cut in many churches. The reasons range from a lack of resources, volunteers, and interest. However, despite these obstacles, the value of midweek programming is substantial. This article aims to explore the significance of these programs and encourages churches…

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